Monitor Polski 2017 poz. 920 - Porozumienie o współpracy w dziedzinie nauk medycznych i ochrony zdrowia między Rządem Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej a Rządem Państwa Katar, podpisane w Warszawie dnia ...
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On mutual Cooperation in the field of Medical Sciences and Healthcare
The Government of the Republic of Poland
The Government of the State of Qatar
The Govemment of the Republic of Poland;
And the Government of the State of Qatar;
Hereinafter referred to as "the Parties",
Recognising the importance of mutual cooperation in the field of medical Sciences and healthcare,
Acknowledging that such cooperation will contribute to the improvement of the quality of medical Sciences and healthcare in both countries,
Have agreed as follows:
Article (1)
1. The Parties shail develop cooperation in the field of medical Sciences and healthcare following the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit.
2. The Parties shall cooperate, if possible, within the World Health Organization (WHO).
Article (2)
The cooperation referred to in Article (1) of this Agreement shall include:
1) research in the field of healthcare, including pre- and postpartum care of pregnant woman.
2) medical technologies and healthcare systems;
3) Integration of basie Health Information systems for health and epidemiological purposes, including telecommunications, statistical methods and exchange of information.
4) rules and regulations governing the financing of healthcare.
5) legał provisions related to health issues. Article (3)
In accordance with the prevailing legał provisions applicable in both countries, the cooperation established under this Agreement shall take any of the following forms:
1) exchange of information;
2) exchange of delegations and specialists;
3) participation of specialists in conferences and scientific meetings organised by the Parties;
4) joint researches. Article (4)
1. The expenditure related to the performance of any activity referred to in Article (3) shall be borne by the initiating Party, unless alternative means of financing are deemed appropriate and decided upon by the two Parties.
2. In the event of the availability of alternative financing resources related to the two Parties' expenditures, the two Parties should agree upon them. Article (5)
Either Party shall ensure that members of its delegation within the framework of this Agreement are in possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance to cover any expenses, which might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention or emergency hospital treatment or death, during their stay on the territory of the other Party. Article (6)
The cooperation referred to under this Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations acquired by either Party or its government under other International agreements. Article (7)
1. The Parties shall establish a Working Group comprising representatives from their countries to provide for adequate supervision and coordination of the activities specified in this Agreement and ensure optimal conditions for their execution.
2. The Working Group shall meet alternately in the two countries.
3. The decision about corwening the meetings of the Working Group shali be taken by mutual agreement at least six months before the planned meeting.
Article (8)
The Minister of Health of the Republic of Poland and the Minister of Public Health of the State of Qatar or their representatives shall be responsible for implementing this Agreement in their respective countries.
Article (9)
The Parties shall act in good faith and in spirit of cooperation to reach a fair and prompt settlement for any disputes arising between the Parties regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement. The Parties agree to enter in direct amicable and meaningful negotiations to reach an acceptable settlement of the disputes.
Article (10)
This Agreement may be amended upon the mutual agreement of both Parties in writing. The amendment shall come into force in accordance with the same provisions stipulated in Article (11) of this Agreement.
Article (11)
1. This Agreement shali enter into force on the datę of the receipt of the last written notification by the Parties notifying each other, through diplomatic channels, of the completion of their internal legał procedures required for this Agreement to enter into force in both countries.
2. This Agreement shall remain valid for a period of five (5) years, and shall automatically be renewed for subsequent period of (5) five years, unless either Party notifies the other, in writing through diplomatic channels, of its intention to terminate it, not less than six (6) months before the end of the given period.
3. Should this Agreement be terminated, any ongoing cooperation projects or activities shali be continued according to their schedules.
In witness thereof the undersigned, duły authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement
Done and signed in.L^r.S&Wil.City, on .5..../..........2017 (AD), corresponding to
.....y6te^.m.^8(Hijjri), in two original copies, in Polish, Arabie and English languages, ali texts
being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
The Government of The Republic of Poland
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